The Nine Caesars

Publisher: Kastaniotis Editions

ISBN: 978-960-03-3697-9

Pages: 256, softcover

Year of Publication: 2004


When two competing neighbouring schools decide to cooperate so that they participate in an International Internet Based-Competition no one could have ever imagined that the strange and mysterious incidents which occur and aim at the students are anything but a pure coincidence. Incidents that only one student notices, Michael, who sees it as his duty to shed light on this dubious matter. With the help of two classmates, Andreas and Nikki, Michael tries to uncover who is behind these actions and whether his fears will be confirmed, or not. The three classmates get involved in a “game” where the suspects constantly change, while they keep trying to protect themselves and become credible, as well.

“The Nine Caesars” is an exciting and mysterious book about the use of the internet. A story which reveals that all things have two sides: a light one and a dark one – there, where the nine Caesars may lurk.


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